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Prayer Timings Using Umm al-Qura Makkah Calendar
Fabrication of hadith ,by Imam al hadith Abu Hayyan Sai'd
Is making sects Halam in Islam?
Do the Ahle hadees belong to Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Najadi?
Three times divorce at once?
Punishment of not to pray?
Kya Islam men Khud Lazati Haram hai?
Is Khatam Sharif Biddat in Islam?
Does kissing wife break the fast?
Was the Miraj of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Physically?
Can i only pray faraz rakats in Namaz?
Does Trinity exist in Bible?
One is missing in kanzul iman
Is there any evidence of Mourning "Matam" in islam?
Does kissing wife break wudu (ablution)?
Does islam guide how to sex?
Is Jesus really GOD?
Is Oral Sex Haram in Islam