The fabrication of Hadith of Rasool Allah SAW was started in the mid of first Century of Hijra . Iraq, Yemen, Basra, Syria , Khurasaan etc were the centers of Hadith Fabrication. In second Century of Hijra,the fabrication of hadith was on its peak .
In Iraq,Basra,Baghdad,Syria,
Khurasaan,Yemen etc there were more than 6500(six thousand five hundred) Narrators busy day and night in fabrication of hadiths since the first quarter of the second century of hijra. In mosques,Streets,Markets, parks these fabricators and Liars gathered the people with Loud Voices of Qa'la Qa'la Rasool Allah and than started the recitation of fabricated Hadiths.
At the end of second century hijra these Liars and Fraud Muhadiths made more than one and a half million fabricated hadiths.
Dr.Abu Hayyan Aadil Sai'd told that all Hadiths of كتاب الفتن in Bukhari and Muslim are fake and fabricated.
Some of the Chief fabricators named Said bin Jubyr,Ata bin Abi Rabah ,Shuba bin Al Hajaj,Abdul Razzaq bin Hamam, Ibn e Jureij, Ibn e Shahab Zuhri,Ali Al Madini , Ibn e Abi Jamrah Nasar bin Imran, Ibn e abi shiba,ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn e Habban etc.
Hadith Scholar Dr.Abu Hayyan Aadil Said in his research , criticised Salfi Scholar NasirUddin Albani,that Albani accept Shia & Rafidi Narrations of Sahi Bukhari & Sahi Muslim. Dr.Said told that Albani has no ethics about Hadiths but he follows rules of acceptance of hadiths made by fabricators.Albani accepted fabricated narrations like ,المتعة , Donkey Meat , Pen & Paper ,اَلَاوَاِنِّیْ اَوْتیت الْقُرْاٰنَ وَمِثْلَہُ مَعَہُ" ,Loh e Fatima, حَدِيثُ اَلكِسَاء , hadith e Mahdi ,حدیث المنزلة , All hadiths about آلُ عَلِيٍّ وَآلُ عَقِيلٍ وَآلُ جَعْفَرٍ وَآلُ عَبَّاسٍ etc which all are fake & fabricated.
Dr.Sai'd told that all Hadiths of كتاب الفتن in Bukhari and Muslim etc are fake and fabricated. He told that Bukhari & Muslim were taken thousands of fake & fabricated hadiths in their collections.